Individual & Couples Therapy

(16 years and older)

EMDR Trained

LENS Provider

(Low Energy Neurofeedback System)

Do you have just one issue – or many like most of us?

Individuals face numerous life challenges. To name a few – depression, anxiety, grief and loss, life transitions, and substance use disorder.

Life becomes overwhelming, and just getting out of bed takes too much energy. Facing another day feels like entering a black hole. Talking with and being around people is too much – yet being alone is painful.

Life can be so tangled.

Staying in this painful place will allow the pain and darkness to grow. Pulling back from those around you will give power to the out-of-control feelings and thoughts.

As the pain and dark hole get bigger, the effects are not just inside of you, but outside.

Health suffers with high blood pressure, stress-related illnesses, digestive problems, and so many others.

Relationships begin to become strained and sometimes end. Employment begins to suffer from showing up late or not at all.

The hole gets deeper and deeper. Life becomes unbearable.

You are an expert on your life.

A new experience, like coming to therapy, can raise anxiety because you don’t know what to expect.
Coming to my office you will find acceptance, understanding, safety, and a therapist who really wants to hear about your concerns-big or small.

Therapy is a trek through your story, and you are the expert on your life. Talking about your challenges can help to pinpoint the goals that you want to reach. Those goals are what you want to improve, change, or aspirations you have for your future.

Once the goals are known, various, practical steps to reach those goals can be explored. These steps are ones that you believe are doable.

Some steps can be more difficult than others. But with each step, the completion of a goal gets closer – and the excitement builds.

The process shared here is quite simplified as there are varying goals and many types of steps that are unique to you as a person. The possibilities are endless!

Don’t let another day go by.

Pick up the phone and call me at (970) 443-1038 for your free phone consultation or complete the online request form.

Let’s start pinpointing goals for a more balanced and satisfying life.