
EMDR Trained

LENS Provider

(Low Energy Neurofeedback System)


Depression is quite common and yet unique to everyone with its various causes and intensities.

The experience of depression can range from consistent “blues” to thoughts of not wanting to be around anymore. Reaching out for help is a sign of internal strength, resilience, and courage.

Many times, guilt, shame, and embarrassment hold hands with depression. Carrying these three nasty, harmful feelings helps to further isolate you from loved ones, friends, and doing everyday activities.

“No one could possibly understand.” Yet, no one was meant to carry these burdens, or the feeling of slowly dying inside.

Whatever your experience, depression can be a painful and lonely place with no interest or energy to keep doing everyday life.

A “dark hole” is one description given to depression. Coming to therapy will provide the understanding and compassion needed to begin climbing out of that dark hole – however deep it is for you.

There is help and hope.


Anxiety may be holding you back from doing the things you want to do, or must do, in life. Everyone has anxiety under certain situations, but your anxiety does not have to stop you from living.

Ranging from jittery discomfort to immobilization, anxiety takes control from you in the moment.

The physical experiences of anxiety can be overwhelming and unbearable ranging from being unable to sleep to panic attacks.

There are many signs and symptoms of anxiety and finding the sources of your anxiety is a process. Therapy can help you
search and identify the causes and the steps that work for you to decrease and manage your anxiety.

You do not have to fight anxiety alone.


Grief and Loss happen throughout life. Generally, living becomes painful and lonely for a time.

The first loss we experience is being born! We are no longer in that safe and warm environment, listening to a heartbeat. The bright florescent lights blind our little eyes. Sounds overwhelm our senses.

At each stage of our lives, we experience different kinds and levels of loss that we need to grieve.

At age 5 a sibling breaks our favorite toy. At 10 we are moved to a new school where we have no friends, and the ones we knew are left behind. At 15 we breakup with our first boyfriend or girlfriend.

Often, we are devastated with the death of a loved one or even unexpected challenges with our health. Grief and loss have many forms.

Whatever your loss is, or has been, therapy can help you to find a “new, doable normal”.  Adjusting to the hole that the loss has created is a process with no quick fixes.

Unfortunately, there is no healthy shortcut around it. But in therapy, you will never be alone in the process.

                                       for LIFE TRANSITIONS

Life Transitions happen each year, each month, each week, and sometimes in a minute.

We move in and out of people’s lives, move to a new house or state, change jobs, decide to attend college, and have health issues.

Transition is the normal ebb and flow of living – sometimes positive and sometimes challenging.

Some people are stepping into adulthood and trying to figure out how to do that adult thing. Others are in your ear telling you how you should do life, and you are wondering if what they say is                                                                                                                 right for you.

Some are in their elder years and looking back while contemplating the future.

While others may be considering marriage, divorce, or becoming new parents for the first time.

Whether life includes a planned change or it is throwing you a curve ball, therapy can help you see the possibilities with clearer vision. With clearer vision, life decisions are much easier to make.

Take the next step!

Contact me now at (970) 443-1038, so we can get started.

Let me help with bringing you out of the darkness, calming your discomfort, assisting your acceptance of loss, or clarifying your vision for healthier, happier adjustments to life’s transitions.